Here you can find links to all of the walkthroughs for Collar x Malice -Unlimited-.

Because this game is a fandisc, there’s no real recommended play order (as I hope you have already experienced the story of Collar x Malice). Shiraishi’s route is the most story-heavy—no surprises there—so you might want to leave it until last. Completing his and Yanagi’s routes will unlock the ADONIS story, so depending on your priorities in the game, you might be keen to play through it sooner rather than later. The choice is yours! ♡

Banner image: Collar x Malice -Unlimited- | IDEA FACTORY / DESIGN FACTORY


  1. Jessica says:

    I love your guides (thank you for the collar x malice one, it helped me get all of the base game’s ending) but I noticed a mistake here, you unlock the Adonis route after completing 2 of the 5 after story (I did Shiraishi’s 1st but nothing unlocked so i did a bit of research to figure out why)

    1. thank you, glad you found them useful ☺️ ahh it’s possible I made a mistake there. I couldn’t quite figure out for sure what unlocked it as I did Shiraishi last and that unlocked it for me. I’ve also read people saying it’s after doing Shiraishi and Yanagi, so maybe that’s it 🤔

      1. Jessica says:

        it is indeed after Shiraishi and Yanagi, I finally got time to do a bit more! Okazaki/Mineo/Takeru unlocks the 3 side stories

        1. that’s good to know, thanks! ☺️

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