BUSTAFELLOWS walkthrough: Other

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⚠️ Warning: Some minor spoilers ahead in the Memorabilia list. I recommend you only read this when you’ve completed all of the character routes.

Full Circle

Prerequisite: Cleared all of the characters’ routes

(No choices in this episode)

[Memorabilia 042]

Auld Lang Syne

Prerequisite: Cleared “Full Circle”

(No choices in this episode)

[Memorabilia 043]

Extra Episodes

Note: Only the Extra Episode “JOKER” has choices—if you want to collect all Memorabilia you’ll have to play it 3 times and pick the choices listed below.



[Memorabilia 045]


Keep playing as-is
I’m not swapping them out and that’s final!

[Memorabilia 044]


Keep playing as-is

[Memorabilia 046]

Memorabilia collection

001: [For me, this is a rerun]Cleared Chapter 1
002: [I want to get people to think]I want to write about crimes
(Select “About this city’s crimes” in Chapter 1)
003: [Different ways of having fun]I want to write about entertainment
(Select “About this city’s entertainment” in Chapter 1)
004: [I like observing people]I want to write about New Sieg
(Select “About this city’s people” in Chapter 1)
005: [Photographic memory]Remembered all of Limbo’s belongings
(Can be found in Chapter 1)
006: [Enough change for coffee]Had enough change for a second cup of coffee
(Obtained in Chapter 1 if you guessed the coin toss right)
007: [The gunshot]Cleared Chapter 2
008: [Didn’t shirk away from a decision]Couldn’t decide who to judge
(Run out of time on the second question in the test in Chapter 2)
009: [Is it cheating if you can’t lose?]Mastered the coin toss trick
(Successfully execute the coin toss trick in Chapter 2)
010: [No trespassing]Cleared Chapter 3
011: [The name of Limbo’s dog]The cat’s name is Max
(Obtained in Chapter 3 if Limbo’s affection is the highest)
012: [It’s a cat, so call it Cat]The cat’s name is Cat
(Obtained in Chapter 3 if Shu’s affection is the highest)
013: [This has to be a joke]The cat has my name
(Obtained in Chapter 3 if Helvetica’s affection is the highest)
014: [Name it after Anastasia]The cat’s name is Ana
(Obtained in Chapter 3 if Mozu’s affection is the highest)
015: [Captain Ginger’s a bear, though]The cat’s name is Ginger
(Obtained in Chapter 3 if Scarecrow’s affection is the highest)
016: [Not a Guilty plea]Cleared Chapter 4
017: [Frilly ones are cute]Had Limbo pick my swimsuit
(Obtained in Chapter 4 if Limbo’s affection is the highest)
018: [It’s nice and sexy, so it’s all good]Had Shu pick my swimsuit
(Obtained in Chapter 4 if Shu’s affection is the highest)
019: [80 Points for that bashful expression]Had Helvetica pick my swimsuit
(Obtained in Chapter 4 if Helvetica’s affection is the highest)
020: [It shows off your bone structure]Had Mozu pick my swimsuit
(Obtained in Chapter 4 if Mozu’s affection is the highest)
021: [I didn’t pick it for pervy reasons!]Had Scarecrow pick my swimsuit
(Obtained in Chapter 4 if Scarecrow’s affection is the highest)
022: [No one’s side]Cleared Limbo: Side A with maximum affection points
023: [I’m mature, so I won’t]Resisted the urge to scribble on Limbo’s face
(Can be found in Limbo’s Side : A)
024: Unstoppable revenge]Saw Limbo’s Bad End (A)
025: [Someone, please tell me]Saw Limbo’s Bad End (B)
026: [Greasy chicken]Cleared Limbo Side: B
027: [The yellow rose of Texas]Cleared Shu: Side A with maximum affection points
028: [A lollipop for a lonely mouth]Get Shu to quit smoking
(Can be found in Shu’s Side : A)
029: [Bacon isn’t healthy, either]Endorsed Shu’s smoking
(Can be found in Shu’s Side : A)
030: [Don’t think I’ll go down easily]Saw Shu’s Bad End
031: [Snowman]Cleared Shu Side: B
032: [Down the rabbit hole]Cleared Helvetica: Side A with maximum affection points
033: [I am Nicola]Saw Helvetica’s Bad End
034: [A slightly brighter future]Went back in time to prevent people from being hurt
(Can be found in Helvetica’s Side : A)
035: [mía]Cleared Helvetica Side: B
036: [Even in death]Cleared Mozu: Side A with maximum affection points
037: [You don’t have to save me anymore]Saw Mozu’s Bad End
038: [Your voice]Cleared Mozu Side: B
039: [Sweet and low]Cleared Scarecrow: Side A with maximum affection points
040: [I’m not afraid to die]Saw Scarecrow’s Bad End
041: [Boyfriend]Cleared Scarecrow Side: B
042: [Full Circle]Cleared Full Circle
043: [Auld Lang Syne]Cleared Auld Lang Syne
044: [Joker]Cleared Extra Episode “Joker”
045: [Wannabe Photographer]Was forced to show the oldest photo in my cellphone
(Can be found in Extra Episode “Joker”)
046: [Legendary pro-wrestler]Had Pepe show the oldest photo in his cellphone
(Can be found in Extra Episode “Joker”)
047: [Patent Troll]Cleared Extra Episode “Patent Troll”
048: [One and Only]Cleared Extra Episode “One and Only”
049: [Wrong Number]Cleared Extra Episode “Wrong Number”
050: [Interview with S]Cleared Extra Episode “Interview with S”
051: [Fleeting Joy]Cleared Extra Episode “Fleeting Joy”
052: [Chain Smoker]Cleared Extra Episode “Chain Smoker”
053: [Meatloaf]Cleared Extra Episode “Meatloaf”
054: [Meat Sauce]Cleared Extra Episode “Meat Sauce”
055: [Ceviche]Cleared Extra Episode “Ceviche”
056: [Chop Suey]Cleared Extra Episode “Chop Suey”
057: [Hamburg Steak]Cleared Extra Episode “Hamburg Steak”
058: [Seeking in New Sieg]Read all of the Archives
059: [Scarecrow’s Mixtape]Used the music player
060: [Steeped in vivid vice]Obtained all the Memorabilia


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