Cupid Parasite walkthrough: Gill Lovecraft

Cupid Parasite Gill banner

CV: Kimura Ryōhei

You can find a complete list of Cupid Parasite walkthroughs here.

I never expected to run into you again here of all places! I know I have to face forward into the future, but not a single day’s gone by that I haven’t thought about you.

The Lovelorn Parasite

Best ending: Scarily So

Case.0: Common route

Prologue/Bomber Chorizo: Parasite 5

(No choices in this chapter)

Fate’s Call: A Promotion?!

(No choices in this chapter)

Hashtag Cupid Happenstance

(No choices in this chapter)

Let’s Go, Los York!

(No choices in this chapter)

Parasite 5 (Hell Yeah!)

Of course! You can expect complete success!
Huh? I would have definitely responded, though.
I read something on Wackypedia… (only appears after first playthrough)
I’d better fix my makeup.
(Imagine the faces of your other members.) (only appears after first playthrough)

Love Match Test


First playthrough? Complete the test like this:

Question 01Yes
Question 02Yes
Question 03No
Question 04No
Question 05No
Question 06Yes
Question 07Yes
Question 08Yes
Question 09No
Question 10No
Question 11Yes
Question 12Yes
Question 13Yes
Question 14No

[RESULT] Agape

From the second playthrough onwards, you can skip the test:

Want to see the results.
This love type.

Stop checking.

Stormy Seas Ahead

(No choices in this chapter)


It’s all part of the job, right?

A Share House Comes On Suddenly

(No choices in this chapter)

Parasite House Live!

(No choices in this chapter)

Date Week Begins

Gill Lovecraft

Case 01: Gill Lovecraft

Ask about the Sutroen 2CV

Wedding Disruption

(No choices in this chapter)

Pride of Man

(Let Gill handle it.)

Joyful Barbecue

Was he mad about something?

Good Night & Good Luck

We should report her to the police.

Wasted Love

(Don’t use Cupid’s Bow.) (only appears after clearing Raul or Allan’s route)

Case.1: Gill route

A Dream’s Beginning

(No choices in this chapter)

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Maybe I should, as a reference.

Cross Your Fingers for a Letter


I guess it’s not possible.

One Meter Till Love

(No choices in this chapter)

Memories of Prom Night

Directly ask about Claris.

A God-Given Opportunity

I’ll cook something.

Lovecraft in Love

Support him fully.

Chasing After Dreams

(No choices in this chapter)

I Can Hear the Bells


Do you believe in God?

First Love Tastes Like Blue Cheese

(No choices in this chapter)


(No choices in this chapter)

Come What May

(No choices in this chapter)

Looking For Lost Parasite Love

Smack his hand away.

Love Letter Rush

I want to read that love letter.

Boltamore Love Song

(No choices in this chapter)

A Heart Full of Love

(No choices in this chapter)

Bad ending 1: Another Happy Ending?


It could be possible.

One Meter Till Love

(No choices in this chapter)

Memories of Prom Night

Think about Claris and remain quiet.

A God-Given Opportunity

I’ll clean the bathroom.

Bad ending 2: 365 Love Letters


First playthrough? Complete the test like this:

Question 01No
Question 02No
Question 03Yes
Question 04No
Question 05No
Question 06Yes
Question 07No
Question 08No
Question 09Yes
Question 10No
Question 11Yes
Question 12No
Question 13No
Question 14No

[RESULT] Ludus

From the second playthrough onwards, you can skip the test:

Want to see the results.
This love type.

Stop checking.

Stormy Seas Ahead

(No choices in this chapter)


It’s all part of the job, right?

A Share House Comes On Suddenly

(No choices in this chapter)

Parasite House Live!

(No choices in this chapter)

Date Week Begins

Gill Lovecraft

Case 01: Gill Lovecraft

Ask about the Sutroen 2CV

Wedding Disruption

(No choices in this chapter)

Pride of Man

(Let Gill handle it.)

Joyful Barbecue

Was he mad about something?

Good Night & Good Luck

We should report her to the police.

Wasted Love

(Don’t use Cupid’s Bow.) (only appears after clearing Raul or Allan’s route)

Case.1: Gill route

A Dream’s Beginning

(No choices in this chapter)

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Maybe I should, as a reference.

Cross Your Fingers for a Letter

I guess it’s not possible.

One Meter Till Love

(No choices in this chapter)

Memories of Prom Night

Directly ask about Claris.

A God-Given Opportunity

I’ll cook something.

Lovecraft in Love

Support him fully.

Chasing After Dreams

(No choices in this chapter)

I Can Hear the Bells

Do you believe in God?

First Love Tastes Like Blue Cheese

(No choices in this chapter)


(No choices in this chapter)

Good ending: Never Give Up!


Is destiny set?

First Love Tastes Like Blue Cheese

(No choices in this chapter)


(No choices in this chapter)

Come What May

(No choices in this chapter)

Looking For Lost Parasite Love

Obey him.

Love Letter Rush

This time, I’d like you to deliver this letter to me directly.

Boltamore Love Song

(No choices in this chapter)

Banner image: Cupid Parasite | IDEA FACTORY / DESIGN FACTORY

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