Dairoku walkthrough: Tokitsugu Semi (CV: Toyonaga Toshiyuki)

Dairoku Tokitsugu Semi banner

You can find a complete list of Dairoku: Agents of Sakuratani walkthroughs here.

Oh, you even remembered my name? Good to hear.

Romance end

Common route


(No choices in this chapter)

Chapter 1

[Map] Makatsuhi | Apprehension

[Map Select 1] Nakakuni | Tokitsugu Semi

[Map Select 1] Nakakuni | Shu
Talk to him

[Map Select 1] Makatsuhi | Akuroou
Do you have a collection, Akuro?

[Map Select 1] Kikutsune | Shiratsuki
They must be friends

[Map Select 1] Amatsuna | Hira
I want to bring a souvenir to Hira

Falsely accused?

[Map Select 2] Nakakuni | Tokitsugu Semi
Ask Yakumo to look it over

[Map Select 3] Nakakuni | Tokitsugu Semi
You seem so close

[Map Select 4] Nakakuni | Tokitsugu Semi
Lean on his shoulder

Ask Chief Tokiwa a question


Chapter 2

Think about it and decide later

[Map Select 1] Nakakuni | Tokitsugu Semi
Semi becoming a leader

[Map Select 2] Kikutsune | Tokitsugu Semi
…Looks just like Kouya

Check with Semi

Stop him

[Map Select 3] Nakakuni | Tokitsugu Semi


A mean person

[Map Select 4] Nakakuni | Tokitsugu Semi
Make some tea

I have to go

Chapter 3

[Map Select] Nakakuni | Tokitsugu Semi
To Makatsuhi to ask Akuro

Go alone

Let’s hurry

Tokitsugu Semi route

Chapter 4

(No choices in this chapter)

Chapter 5

(No choices in this chapter)

Chapter 6

Ask in detail

Chapter 7

(No choices in this chapter)

Chapter 8

(No choices in this chapter)

Lost love end


A childish person

[Map Select 4] Nakakuni | Tokitsugu Semi
Make some tea

I have to go

Chapter 3

[Map Select] Nakakuni | Tokitsugu Semi
To Kikutsune to ask Shiratsuki

Go alone

What’s the matter?

Tokitsugu Semi route

Chapter 4

(No choices in this chapter)

Chapter 5

(No choices in this chapter)

Chapter 6


Ask in detail

Chapter 7

(No choices in this chapter)

Friendship end


Don’t ask anything

Chapter 7

(No choices in this chapter)

Banner image: Dairoku: Agents of Sakuratani | IDEA FACTORY / DESIGN FACTORY

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