Steam Prison walkthrough: Adage (CV: Furukawa Makoto)

……I don’t have the right to love anyone.

Note: ♡ indicates an increase in affection for the specified character, ↓ means affection down.

Sacrificing Myself ending

Common route

It doesn’t seem like your first few choices matter, but this is what I chose:

Catch man
Is that the truth?
Suggest going together
That I have to be stronger
I couldn’t ask for that

This is where your choices start to change your route and affection ratings:

He didn’t look like that to me
That’s a bit suspicious…
Turn down after all

Prisoner route

Thank you very much (♡ Adage)
Yes, it is (♡ Ines)
I still want to live independently
I will do better next time (♡ Ines)
That was the right decision (♡ Adage)

Adage route

I can do it (♡ Adage)

It’s bad (♡ Adage)
Can you see them sometimes? (♡ Adage)
Let’s eat together (♡ Adage)
Good work (♡ Adage)
I wanted to let you sleep (♡ Adage)
Please take it away (♡ Adage)
Play along (♡ Adage)
Introduce myself fluently (♡ Adage)

All right (♡ Adage)
You have no social graces (♡ Adage)

Talk about having met Fin
Thank you (♡ Adage)
You still had to meet him (♡ Adage)
That’s immoral (♡ Adage)

Property Returned ending (Other)

Don’t talk about having met Fin
Are you sure

Good Night, Assistant ending

It’s good (↓ Adage)
Why were you sent to the Depths? (↓ Adage)
You’re like a parent (↓ Adage)

“Recessive” ending

No need (↓ Adage)
Please tell me (↓ Adage)
Talk about having met Fin
Thank you, but I don’t need it (↓ Adage)
I’m sorry (↓ Adage)

Flickering, Vanishing ending

For free?
I will
Talk about having met Fin
Are you sure
Glissade is odd
You’re lying

“Roselite” ending (Ines)

For free?
I will
Talk about having met Fin
Thank you, but I don’t need it (↓ Adage)
I’m sorry (↓ Adage)
Like father, like son (↓ Adage)

Follow Me ending

This ending is found in Ines’ route.

Banner image: Steam Prison | HuneX

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