You can find a complete list of Radiant Tale walkthroughs here.
In other words, what our elegant group currently lacks is a commoner like you!
Normal end
Common route
Prologue: The Day It All Began
[MAP] Castle
[MAP] Cheers
[MAP] Alley
[MAP] Plaza
[MAP] Main Streets
Chapter 1: Perhaps Forgotten, But Never Gone
[MAP] Main Streets
[MAP] House Tent
[MAP] Bridge
“Did you live here once?”
Give him some food.
“I want an assistant.”
Chapter 2: Your Comrades Are Always There For You
[MAP] Common Area
“Is it a lie, then?”
Go with Paschalia.
Chapter 3: May These Kind Voices Reach You
[MAP] House Tent
Chapter 4: The “Strength” That I Believe In
[MAP] Central Arena
[MAP] Ferus Main Entrance
“It won’t work out.”
Chapter 5: May Our Wishes Reach You
Ask again.
“You have to smile first.”
“I can’t choose.”
“Why aren’t you listening?”
Keep trying.
Banner image: Radiant Tale | IDEA FACTORY / DESIGN FACTORY